We carry a large “flock” of products for all your fowl, feathered friends! Whether you need feed or anything from incubators to egg cleaners, we have you covered! With prices and products priced to beat local competition, we are sure to be your one- stop shop for everything that you need to keep your flock happy and healthy!
We have feed products that are both manufactured in-house, and by ADM, all of which are the finest on the market today. These feeds are formulated to help initiate and sustain regular egg production, thereby increasing your flock’s effectiveness and output.
Check out some of the long list of products we have in stock for you today!
Poultry Feeds
- 17% Koka Lay More Mash– a MCFS Manufactured Feed! This is a ground corn based product, focused in on the production of healthy eggs.
- 27% Game Bird Ration– a MCFS Manufactured feed! This is a ground corn based product, that is high in protein for game bird growth, maintenance, and pullet health.
- 16% ADM Lay Crumbles– A great maintenance feed for production pullets
- 16% ADM Lay Pellets– A great maintenance feed for production pullets, in pelleted form
- 18% Medicated Chick Starter– a great chick starter ration, which is medicated to help reduce incidents of disease amongst young chicks. Not for use with other game birds.
- 20% Non-Medicated Chick Grower– A great grower ration, for use in all young poultry above the age of one month.
Poultry Supplements
- Oyster Shells
- Poultry Grit
- Happy Hen Treats
- Poultry Scratch
- Omega Egg Maker
General Products
- Incubators & Accessories
- Heat Lamps & Bulbs
- Poultry Feeders (Chick and Full grown)
- Poultry Waterers (Chick and Full grown)
- Poultry Medication
- Egg Cleaning Solutions
- And So Much More!

Don’t forget to check back in the spring- when we are ordering live chicks from Cackle Hatchery!
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